
npm install --save angular-mn-select

And bundle dependencies and main files in dist/ with your preferred tool.

// add dependency in you module angular.module('app', [ 'mn-select' ])

in your controller, you just need a array to be the values, similar to

angular .module('app') .controller('HousesController', HousesController) function HousesController() { // or $scope.options if you use $scope this.options = [ {text: 'Stark', value: 'stark'}, {text: 'Lannister', value: 'lannister'}, {text: 'Targaryen', value: 'targaryen'}, {text: 'Baratheon', value: 'baratheon'}, ] }

finally in html, use the tags mn-select and option, and directives ng-repeat and ng-value, e.g.

For more details check mn-select docs.